EDS-Maschinenbau GmbH | +49 (0) 2462 998800 | info@eds-maschinenbau.de


ModelWorking rangeAdditional information
Behringer HPB 220AWorking range
< Ø 220 mm
material feed
Behringer HPB 303AWorking range
< Ø 303 mm
material feed
ModelWorking rangeAdditional informationen
Weiler Praktikant Leit- u. ZugspindeldrehbankØ 160 x 500 mm
TUR560 Leit- u. ZugspindeldrehbankØ 320 x 1000 mm
TUR630 Leit- u. ZugspindeldrehbankØ 380 x 1500 mm
Monforts KNC5 zyklengesteuerte DrehmaschineØ 250 x 1500 mm
Monforts KNC8 cycle-controlled latheØ 800 x 3000 mmChuck Ø 400 mm
Face plate Ø 800 mm
Lunette < Ø 600 mm
ModelWorking rangeAdditional information
4x Monforts RNC3Ø 200 x 500 mm2 x with powered tools
and bar feeder, Ø 42
Monforts RNC4 HochleistungsdrehmaschineØ 250 mm x 600 mm
Monforts MNC5 HochleistungsdrehmaschineØ 250 mm x 1250 mmself-centering lunette
Ø 140 mm
Monforts MHC Pick UPØ 315 mm x 600 mmpowered tools, pallet loading system
for work pieces up to
Ø 200 x 150 mm
Monforts RNC7 HochleistungsdrehmaschineØ 500 mm x 1500 mmpowered tools,
self-centering lunette
Ø 245 mm
ModelWorking rangeAdditional information
Biglia 470 YSM DrehzentrumØ 210 mm x 370mm
resp. bar < Ø 65 mm
Main and counter spindle, y-axis
2 x 12 powered tools,
removal of finished pieces
Biglia 465 Y2 DrehzentrumØ 210 mm x 370 mm
resp. bar bis Ø 65 mm
Main and counter spindle,
2 y-axis
2 x 12 powered tools,
removal of finished pieces
ModelWorking rangeAdditional information
2x Quaser MV184P1020 mm x 610 mm x 610 mm30 tools
Mikron UM710710 mm x 500 mm x 500 mm18 tools, CNC dividing head
Mikron VC10001000 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm24 tools
Alzmetall BAZ352500 mm x 500 mm x 550 mm40 tools, CNC dividing head
Alzmetall CS1200P1200 mm x 600 mm x 800 mm40 tools
Chiron FZ15W550 mm x 400 mm x 425 mm20 tools, pallet changing table
ModelWorking rangeAdditional information
Hermle C22U450 x 600 x 330 mm55 tools
DMG DMC60U600 x 750 x 550 mm60 tools, pallet changing table
DMG DMC60U600 x 700 x 600 mm60 tools, pallet changing table
DMG DMC80U4800 x 1050 x 850 mm123 tools, pallet changing table
DMG DMF260/7 linear2600 x 700 x 700 mm60 tools,
round table Ø 750
Alzmetall BAZ352500 mm x 500 mm x 500 mm40 Werkzeuge, CNC Teilapparat
DMG DMF260/7 linear2600 mm x 700 mm x 700 mm60 Werkzeuge
stufenloser Rundtisch Ø750 und stufenloser B-Achs-Schwenkkopf +/-110Grad
Hedelius Tiltenta T114600 mm x 1100 mm x 900 mmstufenloser Rundtisch Ø1140 (Störkreis Ø 1450), stufenloser B-Achs-Schwenkkopf +/-98Grad, Arbeitsraumtrennwand zur parallelen Rüstung und Bearbeitung, Nullpunktspannsystem

MarkX7 by Markforged for the production of industrially suitable and highly stable components for robotics, automotive parts, functional prototypes and prosthetics, among others.

Assembly space:
330 x 270 x 200 mm (LxBxH)

Printing material:
Onyx – stiff and strong Nylon Micro-Carbon fiber mix
with high chemical resistance and heat tolerance
Onyx FR – a flame-retardant Onyx version
Onyx ESD – a static dissipative safe variant of Onyx
meeting stringent ESD safety requirements
Nylon White – stronger, stiffer, and more reliable than Onyx creating smooth, non-abrasive surfaces

Continuous fibers for reinforcement:
Carbon fibre – applied f.ex. if the component is to replace a former aluminum component
Fibre glas – f.ex. for most robust, yet affordable tools
HSHT fibre glas – for components with aluminiumlike strength and temperature resistance
Kevlar – for very lightweight, durable components that need to resist repeated and sudden loads

ModelWorking range
Elb SWBE 06 NPC-K600 x 550 x 300 mm
ModelWorking range
Balzat EUV32Slot width x slot length 25x200mm
ModelWorking range
Zeiss CNC-Measuring device Eclipse
Calypso Software
700 x 700 x 580 mm
Mahr MMQ200 form measuring instrument with motor-driven probe
Software Easy Form
Ø 100 x 200 mm
2-axes video measuring microscope,
30-fold magnification, optical probe system
200 x 100 x 150 mm
Mahr surface roughness tester Mp4i
Coating thicknes gauge (Leptoskop)Fe/NFe combined unit

The EDS machine park includes various machines and equipment for surface treatment, including:

Miele washing machine
surface finishing machine
Fine calendering device
Blast cabinet (glass bead blasting)


We will help you get on with things

You have any questions about our manufacturing technologies or do you wish to develop a component specifically made to suit your needs?

Do contact us at +49 (0) 2462 998800

or send an email to info@eds-maschinenbau.de